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Monday, 4 November 2013

Must read for the ladies! Foundation Apllication

Hi lovelies...Trust you had an awesome weekend?I sure did. Anyway back to the matter for today.

How to wear foundation in our sooooo HOT WEATHER

The one question I always get asked by my customers is how to keep foundation looking fresh all day long despite our unforgiving weather.
Sometimes I see some ladies looking like clowns who just escaped from a circus, just because of using the wrong foundation or applying it wrongly.

Here are few tips that have worked for me in applying foundation (so you don't go about looking like a clown *winks*)

Understanding your skin type: This is very vital in getting a flawless looking face.
You must know whether you have an oily skin, dry skin or combination skin. This would go a long way in knowing what foundation to choose

Moisturize: Even if you have oily skin, you should always take good care of your skin underneath your makeup as this would prevent wrinkles and premature aging in the long run

Use a Primer: Before applying foundation, prime your skin with a good primer. This will ensure that your foundation glides on smoothly and lasts all day. Make sure you focus on your T-zone  or areas where you get oily the most

SPF: Use a moisturiser, foundation or primer with SPF to protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun

Lightweight foundation: Avoid cream foundations and foundations that are heavy. Use a liquid long lasting foundation instead and cover up any spots with concealer

Powder: After applying foundation make sure you use a setting powder. This will set your foundation and keep your face looking fresh all day

For questions or enquiries concerning picking the right makeup items, feel free 2 ask us.
Much Love...Sarah Okolo

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