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Friday, 3 October 2014

on the Definition of a Director Case of LOnge v FBN PLc


"Section 244(1) of C.A.M.A. defines a director thus: "Meaning of directors. Directors of a company registered under this Act are persons duly appointed by the company to direct and manage the business of the company." (underlining mine) The statutory definition of directors above does not recognize the nomenclature raised by the court below as between executive and non-executive directors. Rather directors are those appointed by the company "to direct and manage the business of the company." How does one conclude that a 'managing director/chief executive' of a company is not a director of the company? The truth of course is that under any definition a, managing director is the directing mind and will and the alter ego of the company through which the company acts. It is indeed by virtue of his office that the plaintiff was able to give out some substantial amount as loan on behalf of the defendant. As I observed earlier, it is fair to say that the defendant on their pleadings did not plead that the plaintiff was not their director." Per OGUNTADE, JSC. (Pp. 53-54, paras. E-C)


(2010) LPELR-1793(SC)

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